Business Strategy and Design - Market Analysis - Product Development - Competitive Inteligence - Management Consulting

Practice Areas

As management consultants specializing in the streaming media industry, Streamcrest assists in the identification and development of business opportunities in emerging new media technologies and markets.

Our practice includes:

Business Strategy
and Design

Streaming or new media technology will lead to markets with a combination of traditional media business models and entirely new value and signal chains. Streamcrest can help identify the business models, distribution channels, control points, and technology locks that best create sustainable value in these markets, and structure businesses and products to exploit them.

Example Engagements: MPEG-4 Semiconductors, Wireless Streaming Start-up, Home Media Networking.

Market Analysis

The key to successful strategy in emerging technology businesses is understanding the size, values, and adoption stage of potential markets, and how to exploit the mix of competitors and partners in offerings to it. Streamcrest offers market analysis from a business viewpoint tempered with sound technical review, adoption life cycle, and use case analysis.

Example Engagements: MPEG-4 Voice Codecs, Internet Video Streaming/Webcasting, Streaming Video Servers.

Product Development

Streamcrest can envision and develop products with the correct set of features and technology to present customers with compelling perceived value and secure market share. Streamcrest offers particular expertise in winnowing development opportunities and shepherding new products though design, engineering, and launch.

Example Engagements: Media Networking Modules, Wireless Streaming Video Appliance. Principals have prior experience in MPEG-4 Authoring Tools, Encoders, Players, Broadcast Video Servers, Cable VOD Servers and Video Asset Management

Competitive Intelligence

Streamcrest collects and elicits information on the actions, products, and strategies of competitors, customers and suppliers to build snapshots and models of the dynamic ecosystem surrounding emerging technology markets.

Example Engagement: Media Server Cost Study.

Management Consulting

Streamcrest provides management consulting services in the areas of business strategy setting, product development, product management, intellectual property, and product design.

About Streamcrest
Streaming Video
MPEG-4 Resources

Streamcrest Associates
Santa Clara, California

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